Ethical, high vibe crystals, kundalini yoga and workshops

To nourish your body, mind and soul. Raising your vibration and spirit.

Ethical Crystals Online Shop, Crystal Workshops, Kundalini yoga

“Katie is an amazing woman – with so much to share- guide you with and also above all to show you a way to find yourself again!”
~ Circle participant & Yew Circle Membership Member

“So much has shifted since attending a Circle with you… In fact I’m totally taken aback by some of the miracles that have happened since!”
~ Circle participant & Yew Circle Memberspace Member

Are you ready to transform and manifest your best life?

Whether you want one to one mentoring, to be part of a community for accountability, support and ongoing guidance, you’d like space for deeper self exploration and reflection within the Circle.

A chance to be introduced and explore different topics and modalities in the workshops.

Or  immerse yourself in a topic on one of my mini retreat days. You crave balancing your energy and chakras through movement, mantra and mudras with Kundalini yoga.

Or you have a passion for crystals and rituals.

Perhaps a blend of them all or a few…

All of my offerings are created to gift you nurturing and brave spaces to reconnect and rediscover who you  are, what you want and the courage and tools to go after it.

“Katie’s guidance, support and incredible wisdom enabled me to see life through a different lens and turn everything around last year. The impact is profound and long lasting and 6 months later I am still on the new path.
I have seen change across all areas of my life but mainly in the areas that needed to change most – whether I originally realised they did or not..”

✩ Camilla – Circles & 1 to 1 ✩

kind words

from people I have helped

The work with Katie has been life changing, and believe me I do not say such bold statements unless it is 100% true.

Transformational coaching
Katie has a unique way of being able to look at the full picture and then relay what that looks like for you – even better than I know myself!
Business Coach, Plymouth, South Hams, Totnes, Kingbridge, Devon

“Katie is  amazing!

Transformational coaching

“I have felt so, so unbelievably different, I have never felt like this before in terms of a deep feeling of knowing and truth inside of me, that I am now following.

I just feel in such a different place and I totally attribute that to the work I have done with you Katie. The embodiment work, the stepping into future Jo, it’s just been amazing, thank you so much.”

Transformational coaching

“I find Katie very comforting to be around and never feel judged, which as someone who judges themselves massively, this is so nice.”

Transformational coaching
“Thank you, thank you…
I can’t explain in words the value, you and this process is bringing.
This is going to facilitate such great change and healing…it is already”.
Life and business coaching

If you have been thinking ‘there must be more to life than this or what next?..’ then try out Katie’s Circles – your wellbeing will thank you for it!

“Katie holds space for those who need it and it is a really non judgemental, nourishing environment to attend. The spaces she uses are beautiful and cosy environments and she is always welcoming and friendly. The circles are well structured but each person is given the time and space they need. The circle and sound events are a whole new level of special.”