spiritual and holistic workshops & retreats

~ south Devon and online

My events offer you a range of wellbeing modalities, tools and techniques, lovingly curated and created, to help you live a more intentional, intuitive and aligned life.

I offer monthly online working with crystal workshops and guest ‘spiritual’ teacher workshops, as part of The Yew Membership, you can find out more and join here.

If you are looking for my collaborative Circle & Sound events with Helen, please go to this page here


~ upcoming dates for your diary

RADIANCE ~ a crystals and Kundalini workshop

A morning connecting to your inner light, breath work, movement and meditation/mantra and sound, surrounded by beautiful and uplifting crystal energy.


Carswell Farm, Holbeton, South Devon


Saturday 11th May 10am-12.30pm



Join me for this beautiful morning practice to nourish your body, mind and soul with these beautiful Kundalini yoga practices, gentle yet powerful, they will rebalance your chakras, cleanse your glandular system and fill you with a sense of radiance.

Spend the morning surrounded by high vibe crystals to raise the vibration, closing with deep rest and the sound of the gong invoking deep relaxation, releasing any spiralling thoughts and stimulating the glandular system to a higher level of functioning.

Carswell Farm is a large, airy, open space with gorgeous wooden floors and underfloor heating. Come and immerse yourself in the magic of May and leave feeling radiant.

Kundalini | Crystals | Gong | Reiki infused treats

If you’d like to be first to know about new workshops

join my email community and be first to hear.

Open to all 

Monthly guest teacher / speaker workshop, to share their unique knowledge and wisdom on a topic that has been requested by the Yew members.

Subjects such as working with
Tarot, Runes, Angels / spirit guides, Plant medicine, Herbalism, EFT, Astrology, women’s health, Divine feminine, Journaling and more.

All sessions will be recorded so if you can’t attend live you can watch at your leisure.


Wednesday 3rd April – 7.30pm – EFT (emotional freedom technique / tapping) for healing and wellbeing with Isobel Gordon

Wednesday 1st May – 7.30pm – Journalling for prosperity and personal power

with Nikie Piper

June – TBC

Attend FREE as part of the Yew Membership

or Pay As You Go, £11.11 per workshop

Open to all 

Are you interested in learning more about working with crystals?
Every month I hold an online crystal workshop where we explore  a crystal or crystals of the month / season.
These workshops will help you to connect to your crystals in a deeper way, to learn more about them and how they can support you. Each month I choose a a specific or selection of crystals to focus on, based on the energy of the month / season we are in.
We will explore their properties, benefits, ways to work with them, healing, intention setting, asking them for guidance, meditation and more.

‎January – Crystals for new beginnings

February – Crystals for self love

March – Crystals to embrace change

April – Crystals for healing and wellbeing

May – Prosperity and Personal Power

June – Balance

Attend FREE as part of the Yew Membership

or Pay As You Go, £11.11 per workshop

Open to all 

Wednesday 1st May – Online – 7.30pm

The Key to Unlocking Prosperity and Personal Power through the pages of your journal with Nikie Piper, owner and founder of The Art and Soul of Journaling

(the company, trademark and website)

Meet Nikie Piper, she’s not just someone who talks the talk; she’s danced through the maze of life, faced redundancy (twice, because sometimes that’s the way life goes!), and navigated the stormy seas of separation after a 24-year marriage. Her superhero cape isn’t just for show; she’s worn it through the trenches of debt, over £70,000 in fact, and survived working in temporary jobs that sucked the very life from her soul and failed miserably to over her outgoings.

She’s your friendly ‘been-there, got the pen and the t-shirt’ accredited coach, Journaling Therapist, and Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainer and HeartHealing™️ Therapist.

During her tumultuous journey, Nikie discovered the therapeutic power of journaling, not only as an escape from depression but also as a potent tool for crafting the life of her dreams. Frustrated by the lack of suitable journals on the market, she took matters into her own hands, creating her bespoke ranges of beautiful journals and quite by accident, or was it intuition, began practicing the way of life – Thoughts Become Things way before she became an Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainer in Nov 2021.

Nikie is on a mission. A mission to show you how to use one of the most powerful tools ever known to create the change you want in your life.

Nikie’s website  and Facebook

Attend FREE as part of the Yew Membership

or Pay As You Go, £11.11 per workshop

Open to all 

Manifestation Practice Circle

Each month we will explore a method and practice it that evening. Techniques such as gratitude, 3:6:9, affirmations, vision boards, journaling, perfect day, future self, love or fear letter and more.

This is a self guided Circle, where a technique is introduced, you will then have the time to explore and do it for yourself. Helping you to carve out a regular practice of connecting with your desires and the practices that will help you to manifest them.

Attend FREE as part of the Yew Membership

or Pay As You Go, £11.11 per workshop

Open to all 

Seasonal Wheel of the Year Ritual Gathering

A seasonal gathering to celebrate the turn of the wheel with ritual, with ritual and sacredness.

Following the wheel of the year (the Celtic Sabbats) tuning into each celebration and its unique energy is a wonderful way to honour the cycles of life ~ yours and natures.

We can gain so much wisdom from the seasons, how it reflects our own inner landscape and reminds us to live in sync, instead of fighting against, the ebbs and flow and the many transitions we grow through throughout the year.

Each celebration you will be guided to bring items that reflect the season and create a ritual to mark it.

Attend FREE as part of the Yew Membership

or Pay As You Go, £11.11 per workshop


~ A message from the angels and Hot Seat with YOUR guides

Every month Isobel will be with us to channel a message from the angels that will support you and what is going on around right now. There will also be the opportunity to have a ‘Hot Seat’ with your guides. You can ask a question you need guidance on and Isobel will connect to your guides and channel for you.

Isobel is one of the most incredible mediums I have ever worked with (and I have worked with many!). This is such an incredible opportunity to get insights from your team on the other side and gain clarity on any areas of your life you may be struggling with.

You can find out more about Isobel and her work here.

If you are interested in living intuitively  but struggle to do so on your own, why not join our beautiful Yew Circle Memberspace, which guides you throughout the month to live a more heart led life.

Find out more here. Membership starts at just £27 a month

If you’d like to be notified when new retreats are released, sign up to my email community below and be first to hear.

Other gorgeous offerings & gatherings

~ created to reconnect you back to you

Women’s New & Full Moon Circles

Meeting fortnightly on or around the new or full moon and other poignant points of the year, such as the Solstice or Equinox.

We will gather in circle to remember, witness and release ~ set new intentions, release what needs to go, welcome what needs to come in, through a mix of breath work, meditation, mantra, energy work, crystals and rituals to honour ourselves, nature and the cycle we are in.

Women’s circles are a powerful way to shift elements of your life that need it, in a gentle and nurturing way, whilst keeping yourself accountable and being guided by the wisdom of the moon, nature, your own inner wisdom and others.

Each meeting includes seasonal treats, hot drinks and the gift of a crystal (whichever one we are working with that Circle).

South Devon in person Circle £40

 Online Circle £35

** Concessionary spaces are available ( 2 per Circle) message me to book at a discounted rate.

One to One Day Retreat

A day retreat tailored to your needs at the beautiful and nourishing Mothecombe Gardens

A blend of modalities curated exactly to your needs.

This life & mindfulness coaching, breath work, mantra and meditation, crystal and reiki therapy plus a healthy lunch.


The option of adding a 1:1 Sound/Gong bath is also available (for an additional fee)

Email Katie for more details: katie@katiecarswell.com 


Group events are often photographed for use in future publicity and by attending you give consent for us to do so.

Your wellbeing:

I strive to be as inclusive as possible, however, by attending this event you are confirming that you are fit, well and take full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing, during and post event.  Please do ask me if you have any concerns.


My refund policy can be viewed here.

I believe in the power of slowing down, pausing, becoming more mindful, reconnecting to yourself, in simplifying and moving with the rhythm of the season ~ yours and natures.

I know that creating time and space for yourself to slow down and reconnect, isn’t always easy but is always worth it, and will help you to unlock your true self, to live a more authentic and happy life.

My retreats are designed to give you that space to do so.

All of the wellbeing services we offer, whether retreats or day sessions, group or one to one, workshops or events, are an opportunity to pause, to become more conscious, present and intentional, to nourish and nurture your body and mind and in return, know yourself on a much deeper level  to cultivate a happier, calmer and more grounded life.

Everything you experience here have their roots firmly grounded in gently transforming people’s lives, through coming back to a more connected way of being, with yourself and the world through ‘simply’ reconnecting with yourself, whether that be through movement, mindfulness, sound, good food and company, or a mix of the all.!

Living this way has changed my life and my clients, [for the better & beyond] they can change yours too.

Katie xo

Certified Mindfulness & Life Coach ( accredited by IAPC&M) ~

Jikiden Reiki (Shoden & Okuden) Certified Practitioner UK Association

kind words

from people I have helped

The work with Katie has been life changing, and believe me I do not say such bold statements unless it is 100% true.

Transformational coaching
Katie has a unique way of being able to look at the full picture and then relay what that looks like for you – even better than I know myself!
Business Coach, Plymouth, South Hams, Totnes, Kingbridge, Devon

“Katie is  amazing!

Transformational coaching

“I have felt so, so unbelievably different, I have never felt like this before in terms of a deep feeling of knowing and truth inside of me, that I am now following.

I just feel in such a different place and I totally attribute that to the work I have done with you Katie. The embodiment work, the stepping into future Jo, it’s just been amazing, thank you so much.”

Transformational coaching

“I find Katie very comforting to be around and never feel judged, which as someone who judges themselves massively, this is so nice.”

Transformational coaching
“Thank you, thank you…
I can’t explain in words the value, you and this process is bringing.
This is going to facilitate such great change and healing…it is already”.
Life and business coaching

If you have been thinking ‘there must be more to life than this or what next?..’ then try out Katie’s Circles – your wellbeing will thank you for it!

“Katie holds space for those who need it and it is a really non judgemental, nourishing environment to attend. The spaces she uses are beautiful and cosy environments and she is always welcoming and friendly. The circles are well structured but each person is given the time and space they need. The circle and sound events are a whole new level of special.”