How Kundalini Yoga can help you heal from trauma, personal and ancestral

When you’ve had  trauma in your life, particularly from a very early age it can be difficult to shift certain patterns.

My incredible Homeopath explained to me that when you experience trauma from childhood, for some of us that’s pre birth (whilst in the womb) you have no benchmark, no real clue of ‘what is right and what is wrong, just what was’. So how can you possibly know what ‘normal’ is?

The ripple effect this abuse leaves you with is your norm, as are the unconscious patterns and behaviours you then carry because of it. Repeating them throughout other aspects of your life.

I have worked with the law of attraction for years, I have a bookcase full of titles on and around this subject, from the grandparents of LOA to present day writers.

But often it felt like something was missing. Something deep within me that couldn’t 100% get on board or make the magic happen in full.  I could understand it all on a logical level, put all of the elements into practice but some deep rooted part of me felt broken and like it was holding me back in some way.

Both professionally and personally over the span of 18+ years I’ve experienced or trained in a huge range of modalities, including reiki, inner child, life coaching, mindfulness, therapy, hypnotherapy, CBT, whilst all of it has helped, nothing has really accessed that tucked away damaged part of me that doesn’t want to let go it’s stronghold.

The grown up rational bit of me knows why it exists, I can understand why things from my past have affected me (and continue to do so) but I just couldn’t seem to soothe it enough to stop the ripple effect into my adult life.

Deep rooted, childhood (and ancestral), trauma and pain. 

I’ve healed myself so much over the years. I can’t begin to put into words how proud I am of myself and how unrecognisable parts of me are. I am a cycle breaker, I stood up and said no and for that I’ll be forever proud of and grateful to myself. 

That past line of trauma, I hope, stops with me so the burden would not be passed to my daughter to carry. And so far, that’s looking beyond hopeful.

But I still wanted a ‘cure’ for me. Something that would help me untangle and set free the final tentacles that just didn’t want to let go. I’ve manifested so much for myself over the years, I’ve completely overhauled my life and set myself free but certain threads have persisted.

Kundalini yoga has been my salvation.

Whilst I’m by no means 100% there, this incredible ancient technology has enabled me to access (without needing to know what or why) elements of my psyche that needed healing. It’s given me a language beyond verbal language to dissolve those ties that bind. Finally I don’t need to know what it is that’s holding me back or make sense of it, the Kundalini finds it and works through it for me. It sounds simplistic and in truth it is. My commitment is to show up on the mat, to do the ‘work’..the breath, movement and mantra. And let it unfold as it needs to. The more I’ve showed up on the mat, the more intuitively I’ve known what I need.


Eating habits have naturally changed. Weight I’ve struggled to shift (as a perimenopausal woman) has melted away. Energy has risen, as has my feeling that all is well in the world. I feel safe and safety (or lack of) for someone who’s experienced early trauma is something that can haunt you your entire life. It sits deep in the root chakra and can be a tough one to access let alone heal.


I feel connected, to myself, my family, to God (or whatever you’d call it). And when I don’t practice I don’t, it’s as simple as that.


My teacher said to me when I first started to train as a teacher: “Do yoga, then do life” and this is why. 


Everything flows better, easier when you commit to that time for yourself.


The other thing I love about Kundalini, is you don’t need to spend an hour on the mat to attain this. Just a few minutes a day will keep you ‘plugged in’’s known as the householder yoga for this reason. Kriyas (the set of postures we do) can literally be a minute long and you’ll feel the benefit.


My yogis have told me since coming to class regularly they’ve experienced better digestion, improved sleep, a sense of overall well-being and calm, pain free for the first time in months, more energy, weight loss, increased flexibility, less stress, more noticeable benefits than running…the list goes on.


And I’m not surprised as I’ve experienced all of those things too, plus that added bonus of healing some deep part of me and my generational line, that I’ve spent so many years trying to do. 


The work is not done completely and in truth it may never be, but it’s so much easier with Kundalini in my life, it’s manageable and I have a completely different relationship to it. It can be for you too.


Kundalini has allowed me to step into the most authentic version of me and comfortably and confidently live from that place. It’s from here you absolutely can manifest whatever you desire and know it’s coming from the truest part of you. It’s changed my life.


Forever grateful to it and all of my teachers.



If you would like to experience the benefits of Kundalini Yoga for yourself, I hold classes online and in South Devon, you can find out more and book here.

If you are interested in a personalised Kundalini yoga plan, tailored specifically to you and any aspect in your life you may need, I offer one to one sessions and a recording of your class for you to keep. Message me 💓 

Much love

Katie xx