What is Lammas?
Lammas is a Celtic ‘Wheel of the Year’ celebration, also known as a Sabbat. It’s a slightly lesser known one, to that of the more popular Equinox’s and Solstice’s.
It is actually the first of 3 harvest festivals, in the Celtic wheel of the year. Lammas is the grain harvest.
Followed by the autumn equinox (fruit) and Samhain (nuts and berries).
There is much wisdom to be gained by following the wheel of the year festivals.
By pausing every 6 weeks (every Sabbat) we can reflect where we are in our life, guided by what’s going on externally to us, in nature.
Reminding us that we have seasons and cycles too.
And that’s okay.
That’s nature 🌾
This one nudges us to reflect upon what we’re ready to harvest in our own lives now, from all the efforts we’ve made this past year.
And where perhaps you might need to give your dreams a little more TLC and attention in order for them to bear fruit and see you through the rest of this year.
Following the wheel of the year (the Celtic Sabbats) tuning into each celebration and its unique energy is a wonderful way to honour the cycles of life ~ yours and natures.
We can gain so much wisdom from the seasons, how it reflects our own inner landscape and reminds us to live in sync, instead of fighting against, the ebbs and flow and the many transitions we grow through throughout the year.
Next Saturday I’ll be at the Dartmoor Reach Alpaca Farm celebrating Lammas with Circle & Sound with Helen’s Sound Meditation.
And for my full moon Circles, the week after, at Mothecombe Gardens & Totnes I have some Lammas inspired crafts planned, plus we’ll be reflecting on these questions and so much more.
It would be lovely to celebrate Lammas with you 🌾
Katie xx
P.s if tuning into natures wisdom and messages appeals to you, join me for a monthly Zodiac Circle, where we will do just that.